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UNCITRAL Colloquium on Civil Asset Tracing and Recovery (6 December 2019, Vienna)

At its fifty-second session, in 2019, the Commission requested the Secretariat to organize a colloquium, in cooperation with other relevant international organizations, to further clarify and refine various aspects of the Commission’s possible work on civil asset tracing and recovery, for consideration by the Commission at its fifty-third session, in 2020. The Commission was of the view that the colloquium should consider the elements of a possible toolkit on civil asset tracing and recovery and collect more information on civil law jurisdictions practices. The colloquium should also: (a) examine both criminal and civil law tracing and recovery with a view to better delineating the topic while benefitting from available tools; (b) consider tools developed for insolvency law and for other areas of law; and (c) discuss proposed asset tracing and recovery tools and other international instruments (A/74/17, para. 203). That decision followed the consideration by the Commission of the proposals submitted by the United States of America (A/CN.9/996) and (A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.154).

The Colloquium on Civil Asset Tracing and Recovery will be held in Vienna on 6 December 2019. The meetings will take place from 9:30-12:30 and 14:00-17:00 in Boardroom D of the Vienna International Centre (VIC).

The Colloquium is restricted to professionals who deal with asset tracing and recovery, in particular in insolvency proceedings. The Colloquium will be conducted on an informal basis. Interpretation in the six official languages of the United Nations (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) will be available.

Participation is by invitation. All eligible and interested participants are invited to communicate their interest to the UNCITRAL secretariat at uncitral@un.orgDelegates and observers to the 56th session of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) are automatically invited to the Colloquium. 

Those eligible and interested to speak are requested to identify a topic they are proposing to cover and attach an outline of issues they intend to address at the Colloquium (the outline should be of no longer than 2 pages).

No fees are charged for participation at the Colloquium but participants are expected to cover travel and accommodation costs and make their own travel and accommodation arrangements.

To ensure comprehensive and balanced deliberations and outcomes, scholars and practitioners from different legal systems of the world and of developed and developing countries are encouraged to attend the Colloquium. In addition, the United Nations is mindful of gender balance, and women are therefore particularly encouraged to attend the Colloquium and present their candidatures as speakers.

The report of the Colloquium will be before the Commission at its fifty-third session (New York, July 2020) and upon its issuance will be made available on the web page of the Commission.

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