UNCCA held its first annual UN Day Lecture Series around Australia in October, November and December 2017.
A copy of the Lecture, delivered by UNCCA Chair, Tim D. Castle is available here.
The Lecture was held in the following venues with distinguished chairs and commentators, some of whom have produced written commentaries which are available by following the links.
Adelaide – Federal Court (17.10.17), Chair Besanko J, Commentator Hon Paul Finn.
Perth – Federal Court (18.10.17), Chair McKerracher J, Commentator, Professor Camilla Baasch Andersen.
Brisbane – Federal Court (23.101.7), Chair Greenwood J, Commentator, Professor Khory McCormick.
Melbourne – Corrs Chambers Westgarth (24.10.17), Chair Bronwyn Lincoln, Commentator Croft J; available here.
Canberra – University of Canberra (01.11.17), Chair Professor Lawrence Pratchett, Commentator Ian Govey AM; available here.
Sydney – Federal Court (05.12.17), Chair Chrissa Loukas SC, Commentator Justice Steven Rares.
UNCCA looks forward to making this an annual event, building on the success of this year’s lecture series.