The Program
UNCCA has established a scheme to allow Australian law students to attend UNCITRAL Working Group meetings as part of a delegation with Australian UNCCA Expert members.
The aim of the UNLAWS Scheme is to increase awareness of the work of UNCITRAL and to provide students with the unique opportunity to participate in the consideration and formulation of future harmonised legal texts in relation to international trade law.
UNCCA invites Australian Law Schools to nominate law students to participate in the Scheme for future Sessions held either at the UN headquarters in New York, or UNCITRAL headquarters in Vienna.
There are six UNCITRAL Working Groups that typically meet biannually, in New York and Vienna. To date more than 60 students have attended Working Group sessions with UNCCA delegates.
UNCCA will be taking applications for attendance at the 2024 Working Groups session. Application close approximately 2 months prior to each session date.
Please see General Resources for dates of upcoming sessions.
Participation in the UNLAWS scheme is typically limited to two students per session, based on merit selection. Not all sessions will be offered. Students must be self-funded, with law schools being encouraged to offer assistance to any students selected. No fee is payable to UNCCA.* UNCCA will arrange for observer status for successful students.
The Convenor of the UNLAWS scheme is Dr Alan Davidson, Education Director of UNCCA: a.davidson@law.uq.edu.au - 07 3365 2294
Expert members of UNCCA have been attending and contributing to the six Working Groups of UNCITRAL since 2013. Further information about the Working Groups can be found on the UNCITRAL website uncitral.un.org. See also UNCCA's Hub Pages.
* There is no fee to apply - successful applicants are required to join UNCCA (Student membership - $50.)
Participation in UNLAWS is open to students enrolled in a Bachelor of Laws (or associated dual program) Master of Laws or postgraduate law program at an Australian Law School.
Students offered participation in the Scheme must fund all private costs (including airfares, accommodation, meals, insurance and incidentals).
Application Procedure
Applications must be in writing to the Scheme Convenor, Dr Alan Davidson (a.davidson@law.uq.edu.au).
Application Deadline
Submission Materials:
Curriculum Vitae (1-4 pages).
Statement of Interest (2-3 pages). Please indicate previous courses or experience which relate to the research area of the placement for which you are applying.
Academic Record.
Letter of recommendation from a permanent member of the Law School.
Indicate preferences for up to three Working Groups.
Welfare and Safety
The welfare and safety of students involved is the responsibility of the individual participants. The success of the Scheme will depend upon a high standard of behaviour and courtesy being exhibited by participants.
UNCCA assumes no liability for any costs, expenses or liabilities arising from participation in the Scheme or attendance at a Working Group meeting. Successful participants will be required to have a passport, visa and travel insurance in place before leaving Australia.
Students receiving a position should make independent inquiries about the risks involved in overseas travel. This should include visiting Smartraveller for current information about risks overseas and how to prepare for overseas travel. Students should register with Smartraveller and subscribe to relevant travel advisories before starting their Project. (http://smartraveller.gov.au/).