As we close out our fifth year in Australia, we’re proud to look back, celebrate our progress, and invite you to join us for the next year.
As the first National UNCITRAL Coordination Committe of its kind, UNCCA was founded in 2014 by Sydney barrister, Tim Castle. We’ve enjoyed tremendous growth since then. UNCCA is today supported by a membership base of over 60 members, which include esteemed members of the judiciary, leading academics, engaged legal and non-legal professionals, and a diverse student base made up from various Australian universities.
UNCCA today continues to provide the following benefits for its member base, including:
opportunites to attend UNCITRAL Working Group meetings as observers;
up-to-date direct reports on UNCITRAL Working Group sessions as prepared personally by attendees;
discounted attendee rates for UNCCA events, includingUNCCA’s flagship May Seminar and UN Day Lecture series; and
exposure to directly circulated opportunities for participation at numerous UNCITRAL conferences and symposia in Asia and the Pacific;
opportunities for further engagement with UNCITRAL in direct areas of interest.
UNCCA is considered to be the leading resource in providing these opportunities for engagement and for staying up to date with international trade laws developments through our regular Newsletters (see the latest edition here).
Australian lawyers and academics have much to contribute to the development of harmonized trade laws in our region and globally. UNCCA provides the vehicle for anyone who is interested in one of the nine key UNCITRAL areas to participate in that contribution.
In a special invitation for membership, UNCCA is pleased to invite all UN Day Lecture attendees to join us as members (either as Fellows or Associates). All UN Day Lecture attendees will benefit from an extended membership duration, valid until 1 January 2021.
To become an UNCCA Fellow, please visit here.
To become an UNCCA Associate, please visit here.
We look forward to welcoming you to UNCCA.