UNCCA is hosting the third annual UNCITRAL Seminar on 19 May 2017. There is no charge for attendance at the Seminar (with lunch also being provided). To register, please send an email to UNCCA’s Secretary, prishika.raj@gmail.com, with your name, contact details and organisation or university. Places are limited.
See the Seminar brochure: UNCCA Seminar 19 May Brochure
Message from the Chair of UNCCA
We look forward to welcoming you to the Third Annual UNCITRAL Seminar in Canberra on Friday 19 May 2017, and to join us for the Seminar dinner on Thursday 18 May.
Generously sponsored by the Attorney-General’s Department (AGD), this is the first time this Seminar will be open to all members of the legal community interested in International Trade Law and the work of UNCITRAL.
Leading the program will be a Special Address from Andrew Walter, Assistant Secretary, Civil Law Unit, AGD, who has recently been appointed to a Senior Role at the Hague Conference (HCCH) as Chair of its Council of General Affairs and Policy. Mr Walter will be examining the impact of the HCCH on key aspects of Australian law.
The work of UNCITRAL itself goes from strength to strength. Each year our Seminar focuses on two of the six Working Group areas as well as an overview of key developments generally. This year the two focus areas are:
The Conciliation Convention being developed in Working Group II to provide a framework for enforcement of ADR outcomes similar to that provided by the New York Convention for international commercial arbitration.
The impact of UNCITRAL’s new Secured Transactions Model Law developed by Working Group VI and its implications for the PPSA interpretation and reform in Australia.
Our speakers include representatives of both Australia and UNCCA at the Working Group meetings, with commentary from senior government officials based in Canberra from AGD, DFAT and AFSA.
We will in addition feature a keynote address from Mr Joao Ribeiro, Head of UNCITRAL’s Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific on developments in the Asia-Pacific region, with particular emphasis upon the adoption and implementation of existing UNCITRAL texts.
Please be quick to register to avoid disappointment. We have a room maximum of 80, and our previous two invitation-only Seminars have attracted over 40 participants each.
Our Seminar dinner is also a highlight each year, providing an opportunity to mix and network with our guests and speakers in a social setting.
My colleagues and I look forward very much to you joining us in May.
Tim D. Castle